========================================================================= INFO-ATARI16 Digest Wed, 14 Mar 90 Volume 90 : Issue 324 Today's Topics: .GEM to .IMG Converter needed 40-Folder Bug GCC crashes GEMINI v1.1 (questions) Help for Tracker needed! Question! ST-Report / CPU-Report on Usenet? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 14 Mar 90 08:17:27 GMT From: cs.utexas.edu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!utgpu!watserv1!bmaraldo@tut.cis.ohio -state.edu (Commander Brett Maraldo) Subject: .GEM to .IMG Converter needed Message-ID: <1467@watserv1.waterloo.edu> Hello. I need a program to convert an Easy Draw .GEM or .EZD picture file to a .IMG file (all in monochrome). If you have a program that you can send me or can direct me to a program I would appreciate it. I do not have access to Genie. Brett L Maraldo -- -------- Unit 36 Research --------- "Alien Technology Today" bmaraldo@watserv1.UWaterloo.ca ?uunet!clyde!utai?!watserv1!bmaraldo ------------------------------ Date: 14 Mar 90 09:49:12 GMT From: eru!luth!sunic!mcsun!hp4nl!nikhefh!t68@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (Jos Vermaseren) Subject: 40-Folder Bug Message-ID: <805@nikhefh.nikhef.nl> In article <1404@lzsc.ATT.COM>, hcj@lzsc.ATT.COM (HC Johnson) writes: > In article <1990Mar10.174051.24717@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu>, cmm1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Christopher M Mauritz) writes: > > Ignac does have a point. If the entire world knew about the 40 folder > > bug from day one (ok, maybe day two), why didn't you techno-programmo- > > studs fix the thing in your subsequent 2 releases of TOS? > > > Come on fellas, it was fixed. You just don't understand. > > Before Tos 1.4, Every FOLDER that was touched counted as 1. If the limit > was 40, then 40 touches and you started getting corruption and death. > > Tos 1.4 counts 1 for every FOLDER CURRENTLY OPEN. This is now a depth > problem. And you get an error message if the limit is exceeded. Now only > the USER knows how deep his folders are. FOLDRXXX allows the system to > be TUNED to the users needs. After all, there is a price paid for large > XXX, namely lost RAM for programs. > > Atari wins this one. You lose. Not quite. We have still had some problems here with TOS 1.4, necessitating the use of FOLDRXXX. FOLDRXXX also concerns the space available for Malloc headers. Atari has improved that now also but at a very bad cost. In one program I had Malloced more than 100 memory blocks of 16 Kbytes (clearly a Mega-ST). Then I released these blocks. After that the computer was for about half a minute nearly unusable, because the internal garbage collection in GEMDOS to set all the blocks straight `take some time'. So Atari has solved the problem only half. There are fewer bugs but it is still a very poor solution. Another question: How comes that on MS-DOS the floppy is so much faster (and noisier)? Jos Vermaseren ------------------------------ Date: 14 Mar 90 09:14:05 GMT From: mcsun!hp4nl!ruuinf!ruunsa!nmutsaer@uunet.uu.net (Peter Mutsaers) Subject: GCC crashes Message-ID: <849@ruunsa.fys.ruu.nl> Recently I tried to use gcc 1.37 on my 1040ST (1 Meg). As I started compiling, I saw my screen being scrambled, it takes probably too much memory. I reduced the stacksize according to the instructions to 128K, it should be able to run in 1 Meg then. But still it doesn't work. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong, or if it is possible in the first place to run gcc 1.37 in 1 Meg? Peter Mutsaers, email: nmutsaer@ruunsa.fys.ruu.nl ------------------------------ Date: 14 Mar 90 07:15:02 GMT From: bu.edu!bucsf.bu.edu!harryk@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (Harry Karayiannis) Subject: GEMINI v1.1 (questions) Message-ID: <53918@bu.edu.bu.edu> In the last two days I saw two articles talking about GEMINI v1.1 which is supposed to be "much-much" better than v1.0 (which i currently have) Since I like this program very much, I would like to ask 3 questions before I decide to send my registration fee to the author(Fisher if I remember well) 1. Has v1.1 solved the problem with the GULAM Shell? (v1.0 is not capable of running any other application after 'gulam' has been executed once) 2. Is an icon-editor included with this new version? 3. Is there any option allowing GEMINI to deallocate the memory it uses when another application is launched from the GEMINI desktop(as NeoDesk does)? Since I don't have NeoDesk and I liked GEMINI very much, I will register, providing that at least problem#1 (above) has been solved! Thanks in advance....... HARRY KARAYIANNIS 4th Year Computer Science Boston University US E-mail: harryk@bucsf.bu.edu or cscrzcc@buacca.bu.edu --------- SORRIE FOR ANIE MISPELSS -------------------------------------------- I'm just another Greek ------------------------------ Date: 14 Mar 90 05:43:44 GMT From: cs.utexas.edu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!neat.cs.toronto.edu!omicron.cs.fsu.e du!fsucs.cs.fsu.edu!boyd@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Mickey Boyd) Subject: Help for Tracker needed! Message-ID: <9003140544.AA08088@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu> In article <3766@plains.UUCP>, blee@plains.UUCP (Blaine Lee CME4FUN! ) writes: >I can't get Tracker to run on my machine. Can anyone confirm that it >will run on TOS 1.2? My machine is three months old and I have also >tried it on a new demo at my local dealer. It is either a bad disk >or it won't work on TOS 1.2. Can anyone say that they have got it to >run? > >Please reply quickly! > >The program is: >Tracker (a fantasy/action game) > >listing the following labels: >Rainbird, >Mindware, >Firebird. > >Thanks!!!! >Blaine Lee >blee @ plains.nodak.edu This game will not run on Tos 1.2. I think (maybe) that it works on Tos 1.4 though. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------+------------------------------------- Mickey Boyd | "Nobody can be exactly like me. FSU Computer Science | Even I have trouble doing it." mail: boyd@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu | - Tallulah Bankhead ---------------------------------+------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 14 Mar 90 03:38:31 GMT From: pacbell!rbdc!mccann@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Mike McCann) Subject: Question! Message-ID: <1990Mar14.033831.5496@rbdc> I have a question. Does anyone know if it is possible with InterLink (or other terms) to filter out ansi control codes? If so how? (I mean, from entering a capture buffer). Thanx. EOFZZ ------------------------------ Date: 14 Mar 90 03:09:26 GMT From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!aplcen!haven!uvaarpa!murdoch! astsun9.astro.Virginia.EDU!gl8f@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Greg Lindahl) Subject: ST-Report / CPU-Report on Usenet? Message-ID: <1990Mar14.030926.3626@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> In article <3070@water.waterloo.edu> ljdickey@water.waterloo.edu (L.J.Dickey) writes: >In article <11352@stag.math.lsa.umich.edu> hyc@math.lsa.umich.edu (Howard Chu) writes: >>100-140K of text per issue, huh? It'd be best to break something like that >>into a few smaller articles. Maybe even a good idea to put stuff like that >>in its own newsgroup. > >I support the idea of a separate news group. >This one is "comp.sys.atari.st". How about "comp.sys.atari.st.mags". >Or "comp.mag.atari.st". I don't think this is appropriate for several reasons: 1) The mags, unedited, contain things which are inappropriate for the comp.* hierarchy. They also contain duplicate material. 2) The existing mailing lists ought to be a good judge of the actual readership -- and they aren't that big, around 250 readers each. The load on the Internet is much lower for this size list than a real comp.* newsgroup. (Despite the fact that only 100 relative votes are needed to form a group, actual readership for most groups with a few hundred votes is in the several thousands. I'm not so sure a new newsgroup would even pass.) Remember, I started these mailing lists last time the issue came up of distributing these mags via newsgroup. Although I have occasionally let the mags lag as far as 2 or 3 weeks behind real-time, I think I've provided a better solution than a newgroup, given the volume that we have. Greg Lindahl gl8f@virginia.edu Astrophysicists for Choice. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Mar 90 18:43 GMT From: "sometimes known as Fraser..." Hello! So, UK.AC.LANCS.PD-SOFT no longer gets Atari-info16. Guess this means that either a new site was not found for the european link or Lancs have not managed to follow it. Does anyone knowwhere on an FTP/archive these files are being stored? Also I was surprised not to get any replies from my message about SAMPLERS. If anyone knows of a STEREO/TWO-OUTPUT SAMPLER for the ST could you PLEASE reply! As I can no longer read these files, could you mail me direct please. Thanks, Fraser Stephens. ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #324 *****************************************